“3 Legs”
Walk my horse upon a hill.
Well, when I walk, walk, walk, walk,
Walk my horse upon a hill.
When I lay me down,
Will my lover love me still?
A dog is here,
A dog is there,
My dog he got three legs
But he can’t run.
Well, when I thought, well, I thought,
When I thought you was my friend.
When I thought, well, I thought,
When I thought you was my friend.
But you let me down, ho,
Put my heart around the bend.
A fly flies in,
A fly flies out,
Most flies they got three legs
But mine got one.
Well, when I fly, when I fly, when I fly,
When I fly above the clouds.
Oh, when I fly, when I fly, when I fly,
When I fly above the clouds.
You can knock me down, with a feather, yes, you could,
But you know it’s not allowed.
A dog is here,
A dog is there,
My dog he got three legs
But he can’t run.
My dog he got three legs, your dog he got none, uh, uh, uh,
My dog he got three legs, your dog he got none,
My dog he got three legs, your dog he got none.
About Paul McCartney Lyrics
Artist: Paul McCartney
Related songs: Too Many People Lyrics
Album: Ram
Release date: May 17, 1971
Label: Paul McCartney Catalog
Length: 43:15
Studio: Columbia (New York); A&R (New York); Sound Recording (Los Angeles)
Born: June 18, 1942 (age 80 years), Walton, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Hall of fame induction: 1999
Dates knighted: March 11, 1997, September 8, 2012
Ballets: Movement 4: Moonrise, Hall of Dance, Imprisonment, Ocean’s Kingdom
Tone poems: Standing Stone: IIe. He Awoke Startled: Release (Allegro con spirito), MORE
Organizations founded: Apple Records, Apple Corps, MORE