Be Still Lyrics

“Be Still”

[Verse 1:]
Slow down, come close and listen
Its been a long time since we’ve
gotten together like this
And I really miss you.
I told you could talk to me
But it’s easier for you, I see.
For you to rush, and get in a hurry
To be anxious and to worry
Instead of coming to me and remaining in my safety
You’d rather do all yourself
But you know you need my help.

Be still and know
Just be still and know
I will never leave you side
I will never make you cry
You’ve got to know I already know
The plans I have to make you thrive
give you hope and Peace of mind
You must be still

[Verse 2:]
Your best in the my hands
Your success is in my plan
With tenderness I speak to you . in restfulness I keep you.
I wash your fears away so doubt can never stay,
when I stand strong in you
I give you power to renew but,
you never take the time out
sit in silence and to find out,
I’ve always been right here
waiting on you to come near me.

Be still and know
Just be still and know
I will never leave you side
I will never make you cry
You’ve got to know I already know
The plans I have to make you thrive
give you hope and Peace of mind
You must be still

So Hold, hold on to my hand
and rest in my arms and hear
hear the still small voice saying you can make it
I’ve never let you down

[Chorus repeat]

About Be Still

Artist: Yolanda Adams
Related: Songs:
Album: What a Wonderful Time
Release date: 
October 17, 2007
Columbia Records
Gospel music, Rhythm and blues
Format: CD, Album
Lowest: $1.50
Style: Gospel

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