“About You”
When in the morning I’m feeling dead
Living and loving there’s a lot to be said it’s true
Gonna say it about you
Gonna say it about you
Out of the darkness and into the light
Straight to the centre of everything right
Darling don’t worry the sky will be bright and blue
When I say it about you
Gonna say it about you
I’ll say it about you
When did you teach me to fly thru the air
Sooner or later we all will be there
I read the headlines and now I can swear it’s true
And they said it about you
Gonna say it about you
Gonna say it about you
Gonna say it about you
Gonna say it about you
About Paul McCartney Lyrics
Artist: Paul McCartney
Related songs: Spinning On An Axis Lyrics
Album: Driving Rain
Release date: November 12, 2001
Label: MPL Communications
Length: 67:21
Born: June 18, 1942 (age 80 years), Walton, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Hall of fame induction: 1999
Dates knighted: March 11, 1997, September 8, 2012
Ballets: Movement 4: Moonrise, Hall of Dance, Imprisonment, Ocean’s Kingdom
Tone poems: Standing Stone: IIe. He Awoke Startled: Release (Allegro con spirito), MORE