“The Inner Light”
I can know all things on Earth
Without looking out of my window
I could know the ways of Heaven
The farther one travels
The less one knows
The less one really knows
Without going out of your door
You can know all things on Earth
Without looking out of your window
You could know the ways of Heaven
The farther one travels
The less one knows
The less one really knows
Arrive without travelling
See all without looking
Do all without doing
About The Beatles Lyrics
Artist: The Beatles
Related songs: Lady Madonna Lyrics
Album: Past Masters, Volume Two
Release date: June 20, 1966
Label: Capitol Records
Studio: EMI, London
Active until: 1970
Hall of fame induction: 1988
Origin: Liverpool, United Kingdom (1960)
Awards: Grammy Award for Album of the Year, MORE
Nominations: Grammy Award for Album of the Year, MORE
Genre: Rock, Pop music, Rock and roll, Country music, Pop rock, MORE