“Somewhere In Texas, Pt. 1”
Somewhere in Texas
A cowboy dreams of the days
When the buffalo roamed
And he wished he had lived then
Cause he knew that he could have been
The best cowboy
The world had ever known
He went dancing that night
With his San Antone rose
The one he would marry someday
To the music of Bob Wills
And polkas and waltzes
While beautiful time passed away
A cowboy dreams of the days
When the buffalo roamed
And he wished he had lived then
Cause he knew that he could have been
The best cowboy
The world had ever known
He went dancing that night
With his San Antone rose
The one he would marry someday
To the music of Bob Wills
And polkas and waltzes
While beautiful time passed away
About Willie Nelson Lyrics
Artist: Willie Nelson
Related songs: Little Old Fashioned Karma Lyrics
Album: Tougher Than Leather
Release date: 1983
Born: April 29, 1933 (age 89 years), Abbott, Texas, United States
Organizations founded: Willie’s Reserve, Willie Nelson Biodiesel, Luck Films
Grandchild: Raelyn Nelson
Grandparents: Nancy Elizabeth Smothers, William Alfred Nelson
Songwriting partners: Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard, MORE
Awards: Willie Nelson Lifetime Achievement Award, MORE