“(Forgive Me) My Little Flower Princess”
For crushing your delicateness
Forgive me, if you could forgive me
Forgive me, my little flower princess
For selfishness
Forgive me, forgive me
Well, I know there is no way to repay you
Whatever it takes I will try to
The rest of my life I will thank you
Thank you, thank you, my little
If you’ll forgive me, my little flower princess
Never too late unless you can’t forgive
Time is on our side
Let’s not waste another minute
‘Cause I love you, my little friend
I really love you
Give me just one more chance
And I’ll show you
Take up the dance where we left off
The rest of our life is the, my little
I’m home
About John Lennon Lyrics
Artist: John Lennon
Related songs: Your Hands Lyrics
Album: Double Fantasy
Release date: November 17, 1980
Label: Geffen Records
Born: October 9, 1940, Liverpool Maternity Hospital
Date knighted: 1965
Hall of fame induction: 1994
Organizations founded: Plastic Ono Band, Apple Corps, Apple Records, Northern Songs
Production company: Apple Corps
Aunts: Mimi Smith, Mary Elizabeth Lennon, Anne Stanley, Harriet Stanley, Edith Lennon, Elizabeth Stanley