Your nimble feet make prints in my sands
You have done good for yourselves
Since you left my wet embrace
And crawled ashore
Every boy is a snake, is a lily
Every pearl is a lynx, is a girl
Sweet like harmony made into flesh
You dance by my side
Children sublime
You show me continents
I see islands
You count the centuries
I blink my eyes
Hawks and sparrows race in my waters
Stingrays are floating
Across the sky
Little ones, my sons and my daughters
Your sweat is salty
I am why, I am why
I am why
Your sweat is salty
I am why, I am why
I am why, I am why
About Björk Lyrics
Artist: Björk
Related songs: Vökuró Lyrics
Album: Medúlla
Release date: August 30, 2004
Label: Elektra Records
Language: English; Icelandic
Born: November 21, 1965 (age 57 years), Reykjavík, Iceland
Grandparents: Gunnar Guðmundsson, Hallfríður Guðmundsdóttir
Songwriting partners: Arca, Lars von Trier, Þór Eldon, Travis Scott, MORE
Awards: MTV Video Music Award for Best Choreography, MORE
Nominations: Academy Award for Best Music (Original Song), MORE