Oceania Lyrics


One breath away from mother Oceania
Your nimble feet make prints in my sands
You have done good for yourselves
Since you left my wet embrace
And crawled ashore
Every boy is a snake, is a lily
Every pearl is a lynx, is a girl
Sweet like harmony made into flesh
You dance by my side
Children sublime

You show me continents
I see islands
You count the centuries
I blink my eyes
Hawks and sparrows race in my waters
Stingrays are floating
Across the sky
Little ones, my sons and my daughters
Your sweat is salty
I am why, I am why
I am why
Your sweat is salty
I am why, I am why
I am why, I am why

About Björk Lyrics

Artist: Björk
Related songs:  Vökuró Lyrics
Release date: August 30, 2004
Label: Elektra Records
Language: English; Icelandic
Born: November 21, 1965 (age 57 years), Reykjavík, Iceland
Grandparents: Gunnar Guðmundsson, Hallfríður Guðmundsdóttir
Songwriting partners: Arca, Lars von Trier, Þór Eldon, Travis Scott, MORE
Awards: MTV Video Music Award for Best Choreography, MORE
Nominations: Academy Award for Best Music (Original Song), MORE

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