“All The Soft Places To Fall”
Payin’ and havin’ a ball
And maybe I’ve been on a party too long
These mem’ries are fond to recall.
You see we’ve got this thing
About women smokin’ and good alcohol
Now I’m lookin’ for a homelife and clean smellin’ sheets
And all the soft places to fall.
The women we’ve known have been many
But they don’t understand us at all
Though we’ve spent many a long hours
Hopin’ some old love would call.
Surely somebody somewhere still wants us
Or don’t nobody wants us at all
We’re lookin’ for a homelife and clean smellin’ sheets
And all the soft places to fall.
Most of our lives we’ve been outlaws
Slept with our backs to the wall
I’m a rambler, I’m a seeker and we’re gettin’ weaker
A whole lot more likely to fall.
We’re tired of the rocks and brambles
Those barbed wire fences at all
We’re lookin’ for a homelife and clean smellin’ sheets
And all the soft places to fall.
Most of our lives we’ve been outlaws
Slept with our backs to the wall
I’m a rambler, I’m a seeker and we’re gettin’ weaker
A whole lot more likely to fall.
We’re tired of the rocks and brambles
Those barbed wire fences at all
We’re lookin’ for a homelife and clean smellin’ sheets
And all the soft places to fall…
About Willie Nelson Lyrics
Artist: Willie Nelson
Related songs: My Life’s Been A Pleasure Lyrics
Album: Pancho & Lefty
Release date: March 20, 2007
Label: Lost Highway Records
Born: April 29, 1933 (age 89 years), Abbott, Texas, United States
Organizations founded: Willie’s Reserve, Willie Nelson Biodiesel, Luck Films
Grandchild: Raelyn Nelson
Grandparents: Nancy Elizabeth Smothers, William Alfred Nelson
Songwriting partners: Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard, MORE
Awards: Willie Nelson Lifetime Achievement Award, MORE