“Better Left Forgotten”
And I wake up down in this missing you kind of way
And I remember things better left forgotten
And sometimes when I’m holding someone new
I can’t help myself I slip off and think of you
And I remember things better left forgotten
Why oh why won’t my mind let go of a love that used to be
And though I try in my heart I know your memory will never set me free
And sometimes right out of the blue I hear a voice and I turn and look for you
And I remember things better left forgotten
Why oh why won’t my mind let go of a love that used to be
And though I try in my heart I know your memory will never set me free
Sometimes when the nights calls it a day
And I wake up down in this missing you kind of way I remember
About Willie Nelson Lyrics
Artist: Willie Nelson
Related songs: This Cold War With You Lyrics
Album: Just One Love
Release date: January 1995
Label: Justice Records
Born: April 29, 1933 (age 89 years), Abbott, Texas, United States
Organizations founded: Willie’s Reserve, Willie Nelson Biodiesel, Luck Films
Grandchild: Raelyn Nelson
Grandparents: Nancy Elizabeth Smothers, William Alfred Nelson
Songwriting partners: Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard, MORE
Awards: Willie Nelson Lifetime Achievement Award, MORE