“Bip Bop”
Bip bop, bip bip bop
Bip bop, bip bip band
Bip bop, bip bip band
Dig your bottom dollar
put it in your hand
Try to hang out
underneath the stand
Put your hands together
gonna see a band
Treat me like a good boy
Treat me like a man
Take me hair and curlers
But treat me like a man
About Wings Lyrics
Artist: Wings
Related songs:
Album: Wild Life
Release date: January 9, 2019
Label: NBCUniversal Entertainment Japan
Born: May 31, 1987 (age 35 years), Osaka, Japan
Songwriting partners: Kōsuke Noma, KTG
Nominations: World Music Award for World’s Best Album
Genre: J-pop, Soundtracks
Record labels: NBCUniversal Entertainment Japan, Avex