“Building Heartaches”
I’m building heartaches
Each time that I kiss your lips, so sweet and warm
I’m building heartaches
And when you say you love me
We both know it’s a lie
And just a dream from which I must awake
That each sweet word you tell me
Is a heartache in disguise
So I’m building heartaches
When people ask me what I’m doing, here’s what I tell
I’m building heartaches
And each kiss you give me is a tear that hasn’t fell
So I’m building heartaches
And when you say you love me
We both know it’s a lie
And just a dream from which I must awake
That each sweet word you tell me
Is a heartache in disguise
So I’m building heartaches
About Willie Nelson Lyrics
Artist: Willie Nelson
Related songs: Broken Promises Lyrics
Born: April 29, 1933 (age 89 years), Abbott, Texas, United States
Organizations founded: Willie’s Reserve, Willie Nelson Biodiesel, Luck Films
Grandchild: Raelyn Nelson
Grandparents: Nancy Elizabeth Smothers, William Alfred Nelson
Songwriting partners: Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard, MORE
Awards: Willie Nelson Lifetime Achievement Award, MORE