“Dreams Of Fireflies (On A Christmas Night)”
Stars and dandelions
Like coins thrown into wells
Are the things that we can wish upon
And where our dreams do dwell
Like coins thrown into wells
Are the things that we can wish upon
And where our dreams do dwell
But the dark it is the darkness
It’s the stars that make it night
For the night is God’s cathedral
Which one enters at twilight
And occasionally when needed
Some stars will leave the evening skies
And for a short while dwell amongst us
In the dreams of fireflies
About Trans-Siberian Orchestra Lyrics
Artist: Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Related songs:
Album: Dreams of Fireflies
Release date: October 30, 2012
Label: Universal Republic
Origin: Tampa, Florida, United States (1996)
Also known as: TSO
Genre: Rock, Christmas music, Heavy metal, Classical music, MORE
Record labels: Lava Records, Republic Records, Atlantic Records, Rhino Entertainment