“Drumming Is My Madness”
Drumming is my business.
Drumming is my pleasure,
Drumming makes me happy.
Drumming makes me lose control,
Drumming makes me rock and roll, yeah.
Watch me now, rizz off!
Do you think i’m sexy?
Do you think i’m silly?
Try a little tenderness, too.
Drumming is my middle name,
Drumming makes me go insane.
I got rhythm,
You got rhythm, too.
Here we go again!!
Drumming is my madness,
Drumming makes me crazy, ha! Ha! Ha!
Drumming is my hobby,
Drumming is a friend of mine.
Is it any wonder?
You can call me thunder,
My friends’ name is lightning too.
About Ringo Starr Lyrics
Artist: Ringo Starr
Related songs: Wrack My Brain Lyrics
Album: Stop and Smell the Roses
Release date: October 27, 1981
Label: Bellaphon Records
Born: July 7, 1940 (age 82 years), Dingle, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Dates knighted: 1965, 2018
Organizations founded: Apple Records, Apple Corps, Startling Music, Ring O’ Records
Production company: Apple Corps
Grandchildren: Sonny Starkey, Louie Starkey, Smokey Mehler, MORE
Grandparents: Catherine Martha Gleave, John Gleave
Great-grandparent: William Gleave