Fly Me To The Moon Lyrics

“Fly Me To The Moon”

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, darling, kiss me

Fill my life with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, darling, kiss me

Fill my life with song
Let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, in other words
In other words, in other words
In other words
I love… you

About Willie Nelson Lyrics

Artist: Willie Nelson
Related songs: 
My Way
Release date: September 14, 2018
Label: Legacy Recordings
Born: April 29, 1933 (age 89 years), Abbott, Texas, United States
Organizations founded: Willie’s Reserve, Willie Nelson Biodiesel, Luck Films
Grandchild: Raelyn Nelson
Grandparents: Nancy Elizabeth Smothers, William Alfred Nelson
Songwriting partners: Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard, MORE

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