I, I, I, wo, o, o
Were all living in a horrorshow
I, I, I, wo, o, o
Were all living, its a real horrorshow
Were all living in a horrorshow
I, I, I, wo, o, o
Were all living, its a real horrorshow
It’s a concrete jungle
A humans zoo
Were all captives
Who’s watching who
I, I, I, wo, o, o
Were all living in a horrorshow
I, I, I, wo, o, o
Were all living, its a real horrorshow
Inside my cage
Rasoodook warcked
Am I a gangster
Shark or jet
I, I, I, wo, o, o
Were all living in a horrorshow
I, I, I, wo, o, o
Were all living, its a real horrorshow
Viddy round
At what we have
Viddy round
It’s a horrible raz
I, I, I, wo, o, o
Were all living in a horrorshow
I, I, I, wo, o, o
Were all living, its a real horrorshow
About Horrorshow
Artist: The Adicts
Related: Songs: Catch My Heart
Album: All the Young Droogs
Release date: September 11, 2012
Label: DC-Jam Records
Genre: Punk rock
Format: CD, Album
Style: Punk
Ratings: 14