These are words that go together well
My Michelle
Michelle, ma belle
Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble
Très bien ensemble
I love you, I love you, I love you
That’s all I want to say
Until I find a way
I will say the only words I know that
You’ll understand
Michelle, ma belle
Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble
Très bien ensemble
I need to, I need to, I need to
I need to make you see
Oh, what you mean to me
Until I do I’m hoping you will
Know what I mean
I love you
I want you, I want you, I want you
I think you know by now
I’ll get to you somehow
Until I do I’m telling you so
You’ll understand
Michelle, ma belle
Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble
Très bien ensemble
And I will say the only words I know
That you’ll understand, my Michelle
About The Beatles Lyrics
Artist: The Beatles
Related songs: The Word Lyrics
Album: Rubber Soul
Release date: 1965
Active until: 1970
Hall of fame induction: 1988
Origin: Liverpool, United Kingdom (1960)
Awards: Grammy Award for Album of the Year, MORE
Nominations: Grammy Award for Album of the Year, MORE
Genre: Rock, Pop music, Rock and roll, Country music, Pop rock, MORE