(from “Imagine: John Lennon” soundtrack)
I wanted you, you didn’t want me
So I, I just gotta tell you
Goodbye, goodbye
Father, you left me but I never left you
I needed you, you didn’t need me
So I, I just gotta tell you
Goodbye, goodbye
Children, don’t do what I have done
I couldn’t walk and I tried to run
So I, I just gotta tell you
Goodbye, goodbye
Mamma, don’t go
Daddy, come home
About John Lennon Lyrics
Artist: John Lennon
Related songs:
Album: Plastic Ono Band
Release date: December 11, 1970
Label: Apple Records
Length: 39:16
Born: October 9, 1940, Liverpool Maternity Hospital
Date knighted: 1965
Hall of fame induction: 1994
Organizations founded: Plastic Ono Band, Apple Corps, Apple Records, Northern Songs
Production company: Apple Corps
Aunts: Mimi Smith, Mary Elizabeth Lennon, Anne Stanley, Harriet Stanley, Edith Lennon, Elizabeth Stanley