“Why So Blue”
Down and out
One of life’s young students
Finds out what it’s all about
Paper flutters
Angry taxy drivers shout
From the pages of a paper
Candles shine
On a perfect table
Laid for two who love to dine
They suggest a highly recommended wine
Once again the same old line
Why so sad
My fine young friend
Why so blue
Weary carriage horses stand in single file
Someone at a crowded bus stop
Wears a friendly smile
Touching nerves that
No one’s heard from in a while
Papers from the same old file
Why so sad
My fine young friend
Why so blue
When eyes meet you know
They have to meet again
Birds of a feather
Got to fly together
From a dingy attic window
Candles shine
On a perfect table
Laid for two who love to dine
Now they drink the
Highly recommended wine
Free at last and feeling fine
I’m so glad
My fine young friend
Glad for you
I’m so glad
My fine young friend
Glad for you
You used to be so blue, you used to be so blue
Why so blue
About Paul McCartney Lyrics
Artist: Paul McCartney
Related songs: Nod Your Head Lyrics
Album: Memory Almost Full
Release date: June 4, 2007
Label: Starcon (aka Hear Music)
Born: June 18, 1942 (age 80 years), Walton, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Hall of fame induction: 1999
Dates knighted: March 11, 1997, September 8, 2012
Ballets: Movement 4: Moonrise, Hall of Dance, Imprisonment, Ocean’s Kingdom
Tone poems: Standing Stone: IIe. He Awoke Startled: Release (Allegro con spirito), MORE