Yesterday all my trouble seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they’re here to stay
Oh I believe in yesterday
Suddenly I’m not half the man I used to be
There’s a shadow hanging over me
Oh yesterday came suddenly
Why she had to go I don’t know
She wouldn’t say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday
Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh I believe in yesterday
Now it looks as though they’re here to stay
Oh I believe in yesterday
Suddenly I’m not half the man I used to be
There’s a shadow hanging over me
Oh yesterday came suddenly
Why she had to go I don’t know
She wouldn’t say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday
Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh I believe in yesterday
About Paul McCartney Lyrics
Artist: Paul McCartney
Related songs: Hey Jude Lyrics
Album: Tripping the Live Fantastic
Release date: October 29, 1990
Label: Capitol Records
Length: 2:18:20
Born: June 18, 1942 (age 80 years), Walton, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Hall of fame induction: 1999
Dates knighted: March 11, 1997, September 8, 2012
Ballets: Movement 4: Moonrise, Hall of Dance, Imprisonment, Ocean’s Kingdom
Tone poems: Standing Stone: IIe. He Awoke Startled: Release (Allegro con spirito), MORE
Organizations founded: Apple Records, Apple Corps, MORE